Tokengating with Ocean Protocol allows users to combine payments with authentication for their applications. In this track, you are tasked with creating novel applications that utilize the tokengating feature. Below are a few potential ideas, but participants can do much more.
Leverage smart wallets to improve interactions within the Ocean ecosystem
Wallets are your entry point to the crypto ecosystem. Leverage Account Abstraction, Smart Wallets, and Ocean Protocol Roles to unleash wallet improvements within Ocean Protocol. Below are some potential features that can be included, but participants are not limited to the below.
This track is all about enhancing the social components of interacting in Ocean Protocol ecosystems. Participants should build extensions and applications to improve trust and communication between stakeholders. Users should build with the Ocean Protocol ERC-725 specification for information that users might want to keep private. For profile information users would like to make public, they can utilize the SDKs of fellow sponsors Ceramic and Orbis.
There are a few different ways to build applications with Ocean Protocol. One way is to fork the Ocean Market and create any adjustments with the existing app as a base. Another option is to build with one of our templates, like the tokengating template. You can also build applications from scratch using the Ocean.JS library.